企 业 名 称:新疆博宇棉机有限公司
所 属 网 库:新疆橡塑网库
联 系 人:潘正高先生
员 工 人 数:未知
主 营 产 品:棉花加工机械成套设备、各种规格白皮辊、总成白皮辊的再次缠绕加工。 橡胶 白皮辊 轧花机辅助设备 公 司 地 址:中国 新疆 乌鲁木齐市
联 系 电 话:86-0991-4674213
邮 政 编 码:830028 移 动 电 话:13201....点击此处可查看手机号
公 司 传 真:86-0991-4150112
注 册 资 金:未知
经 营 模 式:有限责任公司 ;生产加工
主 营 行 业:纺织设备和器材 行业专用设备加工 棉类 农副产品加工
The company owns the patent product named white rubber roller
(patent No. 200520012592), which was in the process of R&D in
2002 and was pushed to the market in 2005. The patented white
rubber roller has some special advantaged properties: 1. High
cotton processing performance, no “black pot” cotton appears; 2.
The iron core of roller is recycled, cost is cut down
extraordinary; 3. It is seldom grinded during normal usage and then
improves the efficiency of ginning machine and elongates the life
of rubber roller; 4. It is repairable once abnormal groove occurs
on the rubber roller appearance, this would decrease the wastage
and cost.
Up to now, the patented white rubber rollers have been developed
series of products and they are qualified and accepted as matched
accessories by many professional ginning machinery manufacturing
factories. Some special kind of rubber rollers are specified to
offer for the roller ginning machine of the USA Lumms company and
ConEagle company.
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